Wednesday 19 September 2018


Seahorse Kingdom - 26-40 Riverine. Well shit, they only sort of have one river. 1 City every 141 miles, so one in their territory. Lets mark it on the map with a boat, since its probably some floating thing.

The Holy Sea - 1-25 Coastal. OK, even though they live in rivers. At the mouth of the river I guess. One city ever 121 miles, so I can probably fit two. Each get marked with cities.

Confederacy of Flayers - 26-40 Riverine. Guess that applies to the surface dwelling members, but their population is so low there is no entry on the distribution table, so, nothing!

The next chapter is all about starting on an even smaller scale, so most of the things we've already made. One thing that might be interesting is detailing what resource and services are available in each city, but on second thought no thats not interesting at all.

After that comes stuff on building encounter tables, which I'm not interested in either. And after that is Mythology, which is cool but needs to be zoomed out more.

So, next time, we'll look at the Settlements of the Southeast Island.

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