Wednesday 19 September 2018

Confederacy of Flayers

Culture: 2 - Aboriginal. That's awkward. Hunter-gatherers, oral traditions. These Mind Flayers have been here a long long time.

Other Races: 1 Primary, 5 Secondary
  • Cloaker: 34 - Common Communities, equals. Sure, these guys hang out together.
  • Duergar: 15 - Intermixed. These too.
  • Svirfneblin: 24 - Common Communities, lessers. Second class citizens, not dedicated enough to eating brains.
  • Humans: 62 - Separate Communities. Surface dwellers and food supply.
  • Ogres: 40 - Common Communities, equals. Having established Ogres are really dumb with the Centaur slaves, maybe the Mind Flayers see them as better allies. They are too stupid for food, but their strength comes in handy. A nice little irony that the evil assholes are better than the good slavers.
Tech Level: 33 - Dark Ages. Well, it is underground...

Government: 14 - Confederacy. These guys are rare, so I'm gonna say its less of a kingdom and more just these powerful monsters and their followers, but they respect each others' territory.

Alignment: 37 - Lawful Evil. Yup.

Subsistence: 7 - Nothing. They eat brains.

Population Level: 0 Aboriginal, -1 Dark Age, -1 Barren, -1 Rare. Non-Inhabited. That is fine. The underdark is mostly empty, and the surface of this part of the island just has a few little communities of brainwashed humans. No real center of population, just monster lairs at best.

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