0 Dominant races.3 Major races.
- 56: Human, 57 Temperate. One...
- 59: Human, 50 Sub-Tropical. Two...
- 54: Human, 36 Hills. Three...
- 8: Centaur, 82 Southwest
- 3: Arcane, 33 Hills. Cool I like these guys.
- 17: Elf, sylvan, 69 Northeast
- 100: Yuan-ti, 62 Northeast
- 86: Orc, 67 Northeast
- 14: Dwarf, 13 Riverine
- 51: Human, 27 Jungles. Four...
- 19: Gargoyle, 66 Northeast
- 29: Gnome, 72 Southeast
- 61: Human, 91 Northwest. Five...
- 36: Goblin, 14 Grasslands
- 40: Halfling, 64 Northeast
- 50: Human, 62 Northeast. Six different varieties of humans.
0 Dominant races.
3 Major races.
- 57: Merman
- 89: Sahuagin.
- 84: Sahuagin. FUCK.
4 Minor races.
- 87: Sahuagin. YOU.
- 33: Ixitxachitl
- 1: Crabman
- 48: Locathah
1 Dominant race.
- 7: Aboleth
3 Major races.
- 60: Gremlin, jermlaine
- 35: Dwarf, duergar
- 58: Gremlin, jermlaine. Seriously?
6 Minor races.
- 57: Gnome, Svirfneblin
- 94: Myconid
- 69: entries between 66-76 wtf. Wait its a typo again. Hook Horror
- 64: Grimlock
- 86: Mind Flayer
- 82: Manscorpion. YES these rule.
As we found out before we have one pantheon per major culture with overlap, which I am taking to mean one per Dominant race in a region. So the Aboleths here have brought their religion, which I'm hoping is weird as hell. Any overlap in domains I will assume is the crossover with the previous region.
Size: 9 - Small. 1 Great power, 2 Intermediate powers, 2 Lesser powers, and 1 Demi power. Small bunch.
Organization: 46 - Celestial. Overlap!
Involvement: 11 - Oblivious. 87,26,13,75,29
- 27 - Seasons. Ah shit I just noticed the big guys are supposed to get more than one domain. I'll go back and edit the other region. This guy only gets one anyway. 87 - Chaotic Neutral.
- 38 - Sun, 92 - Justice, 11 - Earth. Small overlap with the Locathah Earth god, but this guy is into a lot more than that. 26 - Lawful Neutral.
- 57 - Fortune, 84 - Arts, 65 - Magic. Overlap with a Great power in Magic and Intermediate in Fortune. I think this qualifies. 13 - Lawful Good.
- 17 - Nature, 21 - Oceans. Demigod overlap, it counts. 75 - Chaotic Good.
- 15 - Good, 7 - Animals. 29 - Lawful Evil.
- 85 - Children. 47 - Neutral Evil.
There are some results there that are interesting to say the least. We'll have to figure out how these aboleth are set up before we can draw any conclusions though.
Next time! We put these people in their place!
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