Wednesday, 26 September 2018

The Second Region

Moving on to the east, to our next region:
Going back to our original world map, a fault line runs east-west, and makes a little zigzag up between the eastern island cluster. The west island has some High mountains, with active volcanoes, as does the southwest island of the three-island cluster. A strong southerly current separates the cluster from the west island, and the prevailing winds circle across all of the islands clockwise.

Our mountain range is 17 hexes long, so I eyeball in about that many. Since we have room this time, a belt of foothills 2 hexes wide is on the north side of the west island range, and 0 hexes on the south, where it abruptly becomes mountainous. Same situation on the other islands, 2 hexes on the north and 0 on the south. Our plate situation is the northern plate moving southward and the south plate moving east, so maybe there's some buckling going on from that.
The remaining space is mostly small enough to be contained into areas that can have one predominant terrain by our climate bands. Southern end of the west island is Super-tropical and Humid (thanks to the wind coming across the sea from the east), and is a 3 - Medium Jungle. North of the mountains is regular Tropical and dry, 4 - Scrub. Northwest West Tri-Island is Tropical Arid, 3 - Desert. South West Tri-Island (looking forward to giving these places names) is Super-Tropical Humid, 2 - Medium Jungle. North North Tri-Island is Sub-Tropical Humid, 6 - Medium Jungle, while the south is Tropical Arid, 4 - Scrub. Southeast island is Super-Tropical Humid, 1 - Swamp.
So, a little more variation this time. Next time, zoomed in hexmaps and we start on kingdoms.

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