Friday, 14 September 2018

Plate Tectonics

Mountain Chains and Rifts

We are told a typical Earth-sized world consists of 4d4 plates, each spanning 1d6 regions on the world display map. Since we are about half of the size, I'm going to go with my gut and halve the number of plates, so 2d4 plates of 1d6 regions each.
Oh yeah, I colorized the map too:
4 Plates. Book says each continent and basin are usually one to three plates, and islands are usually part of their ocean plate, so I'll make that one landmass one plate and divide up the huge ocean into three plates.
Next, we roll on a table for anywhere a plate touches another plate, to see where they are moving and if they are making mountains or trenches. I've numbered the plates 1 through 4, with 1 being the westernmost (and easternmost now that I look at it), 2 the northern, 3 the southern, and 4 the continental. We only roll for the plates "surrounding the continent you're primarily interested in" so I'm going to skip rolling for stretches of open ocean. Lots of rolling...

Plate 1-2, western islands
06-21 - Away from bordering plate, low mountains
22-33 - Away from bordering plate, rift system 1

Plate 1-3, southern island
67-79 - Towards bordering plate, trench system
57-66 - Alongside bordering plate, medium mountains 12

Plate 2-3, northwest medium islands
80-94 - Towards bordering plate, medium mountains 1
40-56 - Alongside bordering plate, low mountains 2

Plate 2-4, western continent
57-66 - Alongside bordering plate, medium mountains 12
06-21 - Away from bordering plate, low mountains

Plate 3-4, southern continent
67-79 - Towards bordering plate, trench system
40-56 - Alongside bordering plate, low mountains 2

Plate 4-1, eastern continent
01-05 - Away from bordering plate, no mountains
57-66 - Alongside bordering plate, medium mountains 12

Plate 4-2, northern continent
06-21 - Away from bordering plate, low mountains
40-56 - Alongside bordering plate, low mountains 2

Plate 4-1, northern continent
34-49 - Alongside bordering plate, no mountains 2
40-56 - Alongside bordering plate, low mountains 2

Plate 3-1, eastern islands
34-49 - Alongside bordering plate, no mountains 2
80-94 - Towards bordering plate, medium mountains 1

The little 1s and 2s are for volcanic and seismic activity
Optionally, which for this blog will usually mean mandatory, as a 4800mi. diameter planet, we can have some effects of gravity on our mountains, bumping them up a size grade (meaning I add another crudely drawn line).

Next time: Things get hot and we shake it up.

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