Saturday 15 September 2018

Volcanic and Seismic Activity

So for each of those plate interactions that indicated some kind of hot rumbling, we roll.

Volcanic Activity: 

  • Plate 2 side of 1-2 boundary. 58: Extinct Volcanoes, numerous.
  • Plate 3 side of 1-3. 96: Active Volcanoes, numerous.
  • Plate 2 side of 2-3. 83: Dormant Volcanoes, numerous.
  • Plate 2 side of 2-4. 88: Active Volcanoes, sparse.
  • Plate 1 side of 4-1. 73: Dormant Volcanoes, sparse.
  • Plate 1 side of 3-1. 95: Active Volcanoes, sparse.
The dice were hot and so is the magma.

  • Plate 3 side of 1-3 boundary. 43: Mild, Common
  • Plate 3 side of 2-3. 12: Mild, Rare
  • Plate 2 side of 2-4. 33: Mild, Uncommon
  • Plate 4 side of 3-4. 80: Moderate, Common
  • Plate 1 side of 4-1. 51: Moderate, Rare
  • Plate 2 side of 4-2. 07: Mild, Rare
  • Plate 4 side of 4-1. 33: Mild, Uncommon
  • Plate 1 side of 4-1. 05: Mild, Rare
  • Plate 3 side of 3-1. 76: Moderate, Common
Not as dramatic as the volcanoes, but still, theres a few places around here where you don't want to live. Let's update the map. I've used three tiny triangles for dormant volcanoes, a solid triangle for active volcanoes, a titled hashmark for mild earthquakes, and a triple hashmark for moderate earthquakes, with number indicating frequency.
Thats it! The rest of the section has a little bit of stuff on meteoric impacts, but no fun tables, just pick 1d6 spots and smash up 1d6 hexes. Kind of boring. And a thing on regional placement of mountains for worlds that don't have plate tectonics.

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