Sunday 23 September 2018


Only two major settlements here, so I'll knock both out in one post.


Culture: 29 - Central Asian.

1 primary (Hsing-Sing) and 4 secondary races.
  • Humans: 91 - Enslaved. Some Planet of the Apes shit.
  • Grippli: 84 - Separate, dominated
  • Yuan-ti: 41 - Common, equals. Strange. 
  • Svirfneblin: 62 - Separate, dominated.
Technology: 25 - Bronze Age.

Government: 63 - Matriarchy.

Alignment: 60 - Neutral.

Subsistence: 2 - Forestry

Population level: 0 from forestry, and no other modifiers is 0 -  Sparse.

Settlement pattern: 28 - Riverine.

City distribution: 164 miles between Towns. 


Culture: 62 - European, Dark Ages.

2 primary (Locathah and Tako, see below) races and 3 secondary races. 
  • Tako: 69 - Separate, dominated.
  • Kuo-Toa: 2 - Intermixed
  • Grippli: 90 - Enslaved
  • Yuan-ti: 17 - Common, dominant
Technology: 77 - 100 Years' War.

Government:  99 - Theocracy.

Alignment: 21 - Lawful Neutral.

Subsistence: 4 - Hunting/Gathering

Population level: from hunting, and no other modifiers is 0 -  Sparse

Settlement pattern: 34 - Riverine.

City distribution: 127 miles between Towns.

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