Thursday 13 September 2018

World Shape and Form

World Shape and Form

In a fantastic setting, a world can be any shape or size you please. So fuck what you want we are going to randomly roll with a good chance of it being a sphere.
Don't screw up my *looks at notes* churches and caves.
 91-97 - Polyhedron (roll d6)
Oh hell yeah something not a sphere.

The world has a polyhedral shape. If it happens to be shaped like a d20, Map Blank 1 represents it perfectly (we'll get into this later); otherwise, you must create your own world mapsheets, with an arrangement that reflects the number of sides you choose. You should decide how the world's "edges" work. Does gravity suddenly alter direction at the juncture of the world's flat faces, or is each region bordered by a mountainous ridge of colossal proportions?
5 - twelve-sided

Yeah this will do just nicely.

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