Monday, 17 September 2018

Zooming In

It is time to zoom in on a particular region of our big blue d12. The chapter starts with some information for those that are starting from this point (i.e. not the Macroscopic Approach), so that is safe to skip. Reminder for next time, start off higher resolution. I'll start with the leftmost maybe-interesting area:

First up is mountain ranges, which has some stuff on length and width, which we can use. Looking back at our tectonic information, there's a rift zone running northwest to southeast through those islands that are in a line, with medium mountains on the left, and an undersea rift with a good number of dormant volcanoes on the right. I roll, and this mountain range is 25 hexes long and 4 hexes wide, so, way bigger than the islands. Usually these would be surrounded by lower mountains, then hills, but there is just no room for that here. 
Now for terrain. The northern island is sub-tropical, while the southern ones are super-tropical. All three islands are humid. These islands are so small, there won't be much variation. I roll again, and north island is a medium, mixed forest, south island is a heavy jungle, and southeast island is grassland.
I've badly color coded these areas. I'm thinking for the regional stuff I'll do them in hexographer or something else, and drop the pentagons. Anyway, next time, more water~!

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