Saturday 6 October 2018

Jumpin Jermlaines

Jermlaine Magocracy

Culture: 36 - European, Renaissance.

2 Primary races and 4 Secondary races. 
  • Hook Horror: Primary#2. 7 - Completely Intermixed.
  • Myconid68 - Separate communities, Jermlaines dominant but secondary races are equal.
  • Sahuagin: 89 - Enslaved.
  • Grimlock: 41 - Separate communities, Jermlaines dominant.
  • Mind Flayer: 30 - Common communities, Separate districts.
Technology: 72 - 100 Years' War
Government: 59 - Magocracy
Alignment: 33 - Lawful Evil
Subsistence: 3 - Grazing/Herding.
Population: Base 2, Renaissance +1 = 3 - Average
Settlement Pattern: 44 - Wells/Oases.
Cities are 58 miles apart.

Bunch of weirdo underdark races, run by evil wizards, with a pretty high technology and culture level. I'm thinking these guys got real deep into the crazy wizard combine two things monster stuff. Their population density is something else. At our map scale, they have a city every hex! So on the surface it is a bunch of jungle, but underground it is fucking crawling with Jermlaine and their buddies.

Monday 1 October 2018

Region 2, Island 1

Gonna start with the West island, because thats how I do.
Southern half is a supertropical jungle, while the north is a regular tropical scrubland. Scrubland has a lot of diversity and isn't "just" sagebrush! I learned that in a natural history class like a decade ago. Anyway, mountains are big, and theres hills to the north of them.

So, checking my list of races for this region from last time, do I have any major races that fit here?

  • Human, Sub-Tropical
  • Human, Hills
  • Merman
  • Sahuagin x2
  • Aboleth
  • Jermlaine x2
  • Duergar
Save a few for later, lets put our Sub-Tropical Humans, Duergar, and wtf are Jermlaine again?
That does leave us with one major surface race here, but that is ok. Let's talk about them instead of that creepy little old man gremlin.

Culture: 70 - European, Dark Ages

2 Primary races and 4 Secondary races. 
  • Well dang, lets get our Hill Humans in there too then. 17 - Common communities, separate districts, Sub-tropical Humans are dominant.
  • Centaurs: 26 - Common communities, separate districts, Humans dominant but secondary races are equal.
  • Dwarves: 33 - Common communities, separate districts, Humans dominant but secondary races are equal.
  • Crabmen: 15 - Completely Intermixed. (!)
  • Svirfneblin: 45 - Separate communities, Humans dominant.
Technology: 57 - Crusades
Government: 66 - Militocracy
Alignment: 55 - Neutral Evil
Subsistence: 7 - Hunting/Gathering.
Population: Base 0, Sub-tropical +1, Hills +1 = 2 - Low
Settlement Pattern: 66 - Hills. No shit.
Cities are 85 miles apart.

So we have some jerk hunter-type people who recognize two different peoples, the plains-folk and hill-folk. They are warlike and the military runs things. Plains centaurs, river(?) dwarves, and theres crab-people everywhere. Guessing the gnomes chill with the dwarves. I don't have a name for them yet but these aren't the good guys!

Thursday 27 September 2018

Off to the Races


0 Dominant races.
3 Major races.
  • 56: Human, 57 Temperate. One...
  • 59: Human, 50 Sub-Tropical. Two...
  • 54: Human, 36 Hills. Three...
13 Minor races.
  • 8: Centaur, 82 Southwest
  • 3: Arcane, 33 Hills. Cool I like these guys.
  • 17: Elf, sylvan, 69 Northeast
  • 100: Yuan-ti, 62 Northeast
  • 86: Orc, 67 Northeast
  • 14: Dwarf, 13 Riverine
  • 51: Human, 27 Jungles. Four...
  • 19: Gargoyle, 66 Northeast
  • 29: Gnome, 72 Southeast
  • 61: Human, 91 Northwest. Five...
  • 36: Goblin, 14 Grasslands
  • 40: Halfling, 64 Northeast
  • 50: Human, 62 Northeast. Six different varieties of humans.


0 Dominant races.
3 Major races.

  • 57: Merman
  • 89: Sahuagin.
  • 84: Sahuagin. FUCK.
4 Minor races.

  • 87: Sahuagin. YOU.
  • 33: Ixitxachitl
  • 1: Crabman
  • 48: Locathah


1 Dominant race.

  • 7: Aboleth
3 Major races.

  • 60: Gremlin, jermlaine
  • 35: Dwarf, duergar
  • 58: Gremlin, jermlaine. Seriously?
6 Minor races.

  • 57: Gnome, Svirfneblin
  • 94: Myconid
  • 69: entries between 66-76 wtf. Wait its a typo again. Hook Horror
  • 64: Grimlock
  • 86: Mind Flayer
  • 82: Manscorpion. YES these rule.


As we found out before we have one pantheon per major culture with overlap, which I am taking to mean one per Dominant race in a region. So the Aboleths here have brought their religion, which I'm hoping is weird as hell. Any overlap in domains I will assume is the crossover with the previous region.

Size: 9 - Small. 1 Great power, 2 Intermediate powers, 2 Lesser powers, and 1 Demi power. Small bunch.
Organization: 46 - Celestial. Overlap!
Involvement: 11 - Oblivious. 87,26,13,75,29

  • 27 - Seasons. Ah shit I just noticed the big guys are supposed to get more than one domain. I'll go back and edit the other region. This guy only gets one anyway. 87 - Chaotic Neutral
  • 38 - Sun, 92 - Justice, 11 - Earth. Small overlap with the Locathah Earth god, but this guy is into a lot more than that. 26 - Lawful Neutral.
  • 57 - Fortune, 84 - Arts, 65 - Magic. Overlap with a Great power in Magic and Intermediate in Fortune. I think this qualifies. 13 - Lawful Good
  • 17 - Nature, 21 - Oceans. Demigod overlap, it counts. 75 - Chaotic Good
  • 15 - Good, 7 - Animals. 29 - Lawful Evil
  • 85 - Children. 47 - Neutral Evil.
There are some results there that are interesting to say the least. We'll have to figure out how these aboleth are set up before we can draw any conclusions though. 

Next time! We put these people in their place!

Wednesday 26 September 2018

The Second Region

Moving on to the east, to our next region:
Going back to our original world map, a fault line runs east-west, and makes a little zigzag up between the eastern island cluster. The west island has some High mountains, with active volcanoes, as does the southwest island of the three-island cluster. A strong southerly current separates the cluster from the west island, and the prevailing winds circle across all of the islands clockwise.

Our mountain range is 17 hexes long, so I eyeball in about that many. Since we have room this time, a belt of foothills 2 hexes wide is on the north side of the west island range, and 0 hexes on the south, where it abruptly becomes mountainous. Same situation on the other islands, 2 hexes on the north and 0 on the south. Our plate situation is the northern plate moving southward and the south plate moving east, so maybe there's some buckling going on from that.
The remaining space is mostly small enough to be contained into areas that can have one predominant terrain by our climate bands. Southern end of the west island is Super-tropical and Humid (thanks to the wind coming across the sea from the east), and is a 3 - Medium Jungle. North of the mountains is regular Tropical and dry, 4 - Scrub. Northwest West Tri-Island is Tropical Arid, 3 - Desert. South West Tri-Island (looking forward to giving these places names) is Super-Tropical Humid, 2 - Medium Jungle. North North Tri-Island is Sub-Tropical Humid, 6 - Medium Jungle, while the south is Tropical Arid, 4 - Scrub. Southeast island is Super-Tropical Humid, 1 - Swamp.
So, a little more variation this time. Next time, zoomed in hexmaps and we start on kingdoms.

Monday 24 September 2018

Locathah Lowdown

I mostly forgot about these guys until that previous post. Back in we rolled that there was one dominant aquatic race, the Locathah, who I decided were in the middle of our ocean in region 1.

Culture: 71 - European, Dark Ages

I have been rolling as "Small kingdoms" for the others, because it is a small world and they were only "Major" race. The Locathah will get the "Moderate" treatment. 1 primary and 3 secondary races. Doesn't mean much after all, but really, they were different dice.
  • Sahuagin: 34 - Common communities, separate districts. Guess we're cool with these assholes.
  • Merfolk: 99 - Enslaved. But not our chill mer-bros?
  • Tako: 75 - Separate communities.
Technology: 72 - 100 Years' War. We fancy but still got swords and shit.

Government: 77 - Monarchy. All Hail King Fish.

Alignment: 85 - Chaotic Neutral. "Countries in the process of disintegration through invasion, civil war, or catastrophe could be called chaotic neutral." I actually like this, it throws a good twist into these guys being the dominant race, way out in the middle of the ocean.

Subsistence: 10 - Trade. We can make this fit too, especially with other Locathah communities in other parts of the region. Home sucks and everything is falling apart, so the many traders just decide to not come back. This of course screws things up at home even more.

Population level: 0 trade, +1 trade? Low.

Settlement pattern: 82 - Best Climate

Next time, Region 2! A little more land, and a little more variation. Or so we think, only the tables will tell.

Sunday 23 September 2018

History and Mythology

Now we are back to the global (polyhedral) view, looking at gods and history of our world.


64 - One Pantheon per major culture, overlapping deities. Works well with what we have so far, with there being only one dominant race in our first region.

Region 1 Religion

Pantheon Size: 97 - Huge.
Pantheon Organization: 41 - Celestial.
Pantheon Involvement: 19 - Aloof.
  • Great Powers: 4
    • 64 - Magic, 78 - Thunder. 62 - Neutral Good
    • 29 - Sky, 13 - Everything, 87 - Crafts. 61 - Neutral Good
    • 70 - Moon, 81 - Wind. 63 - Neutral Good
    • 47 - Death, 14 - Evil. 11 - Lawful Good
  • Intermediate Powers: 1
    • 57 - Fortune, 17 - Nature, 97 - Peace. 53 - Neutral Evil
  • Lesser Powers: 3
    • 99 - Strength, 24 - Lawful Neutral
    • 68 - Mischief, 80 - Chaotic Good
    • 80 - Trade, 32 - Lawful Evil
  • Demi-Powers: 4
    • 23 - Oceans, 17 - Lawful Neutral
    • 76 - Weather, 68 - Neutral Good
    • 7 - Earth, 57 - Neutral
    • 54 - Fire, 58 - Neutral


5 - Wildspace, with spheres. Spelljammer-compatible.
8 - Non-solar World. Not flat, not ptolemaic - I think these planets are just drifting through the void.
9 Planets: 
  • 2 - Air, 8 - Enormous
  • 4 - Earth, 1 - Tiny
  • 5 - Earth, 4 - Terrestrial
  • 7 - Water, 4 - Terrestrial. This is our home planet.
  • 5 - Earth, 7 - Huge
  • 5 - Earth, 6 - Terrestrial
  • 1 - Air, 5 - Terrestrial
  • 7 - Water, 7 - Huge
  • 6 - Fire, 6 - Terrestrial
4 Moons:
  • 2 - Air, 3 - Tiny
  • 2 - Air, 6 - Terrestrial
  • 8 - Other, 4 - Terrestrial
  • 2 - Air, 1 - Tiny


We'll come back around to this at the end, because this is for the entire world and we don't know who some of these players are.

11 Ancient Ages
  • 700 - 4: Discovery, Technological 
  • 800 - 7: Expansion/Exploration
  • 500 - 10: Supremacy/Golden Age
  • 600 - 7: Expansion/Exploration
  • 1000 - 11: War, epic
  • 500 - 2: Cataclysm, natural
  • 700 - 12: War, racial
  • 500 - 10: Supremacy/Golden Age
  • 700 - 3: Discovery, Magical
  • 500 - 11: War, epic
  • 500 - 3: Discovery, Magical
 Middle Peroids
  • 50-100 - 1: Decadence
  • 50-100 - 11: Plague
  • 50-100 - 19: War, Crusade
  • 50-100 - 6: Intrigue/Scandal
  • 50-100 - 1: Decadence
  • 50-100 - 16: Strong/Weak Ruler
  • 50-100 - 6: Intrigue/Scandal
10  Recent Events
  • 5 - 10: War, Internal
  • 3 - 7: Rebellion
  • 6 - 4: Monster Incursion
  • 5 - 9: War, Foreign
  • 2 - 10: War, Internal
  • 6 - 4: Monster Incursion
  • 4 - 1: Feud/Rivalry
  • 2 - 6: Raids/Brigandage
  • 1 - 4: Monster Incursion
  • 1 - 1: Feud/Rivalry
Current Day


Only two major settlements here, so I'll knock both out in one post.


Culture: 29 - Central Asian.

1 primary (Hsing-Sing) and 4 secondary races.
  • Humans: 91 - Enslaved. Some Planet of the Apes shit.
  • Grippli: 84 - Separate, dominated
  • Yuan-ti: 41 - Common, equals. Strange. 
  • Svirfneblin: 62 - Separate, dominated.
Technology: 25 - Bronze Age.

Government: 63 - Matriarchy.

Alignment: 60 - Neutral.

Subsistence: 2 - Forestry

Population level: 0 from forestry, and no other modifiers is 0 -  Sparse.

Settlement pattern: 28 - Riverine.

City distribution: 164 miles between Towns. 


Culture: 62 - European, Dark Ages.

2 primary (Locathah and Tako, see below) races and 3 secondary races. 
  • Tako: 69 - Separate, dominated.
  • Kuo-Toa: 2 - Intermixed
  • Grippli: 90 - Enslaved
  • Yuan-ti: 17 - Common, dominant
Technology: 77 - 100 Years' War.

Government:  99 - Theocracy.

Alignment: 21 - Lawful Neutral.

Subsistence: 4 - Hunting/Gathering

Population level: from hunting, and no other modifiers is 0 -  Sparse

Settlement pattern: 34 - Riverine.

City distribution: 127 miles between Towns.